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Terms and Conditions of Scholarship Awards

Students must submit a separate scholarship application for each year of enrollment. The priority date for the General Scholarship Application is March 1. Applications submitted after this date - through the final deadline of September 1- will be included in the second round of awards. Awards are made in date order of receipt of the application. Awarding begins as soon as an annual budget is approved by the Foundation Board, typically in May. All CSI Scholarship awards are merit-based with a minimum 2.5 GPA required.

A social security number is required for all applicants who are US Citizens, per IRS reporting rules and CSI procedures. While citizenship is not required, students who do not have an SSN will be contacted by the Scholarship Office to create an alternate SSN in the system.

Scholarships are awarded based on GPA and enrollment status. The CSI cumulative GPA is used once the student has completed at least 12 institutional credits. High School Transcripts are used for all graduating seniors and transfer GPAs are used for students who enter from other institutions. Students without any previous transcripts are placed on hold for one term or until they complete 12 credits of CSI coursework. GED scores are converted to GPAs before awarding. Scholarship awards which are determined by in progress high school transcripts will require a FINAL official high school transcript by July 1 to keep that scholarship awards. Students receiving scholarship awards are required to complete their registration and accept any pending awards by August 1 for the fall semester and by December 15 for the spring semester. Students not fully registered before the corresponding date for that term will have their awards removed and the funds will be redistributed to other eligible students.

Spring awards will renew automatically (no new application required) as long as the student’s GPA and enrollment status remain constant. Awards will be removed from students who drop below a 2.5 GPA after the fall or summer terms and awards will be reduced for students who enroll in fewer credits than they were initially awarded at. Check the individual requirements for your award in the MyCSI Self-Service Portal.

Awards will follow Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) guidelines. If a student is on warning, they could still maintain eligibility as long as the GPA requirement is still being met. Students on Suspension or Probation are not eligible for scholarship until SAP Status reaches Good Standing.

Students must be degree-seeking at CSI and must have completed High School or received a GED to be eligible. Students on consortium where CSI is the host institution are not eligible for CSI awards. Courses taken for audit do not count towards your enrollment for Foundation scholarships.

Foundation and institutional awards are only packaged to maximum budget. If additional awards are received (outside and athletic), we will reduce or remove awards in the following order: loans, work-study, Foundation scholarships, and institutional scholarships. Outside scholarships are only adjusted if the donor requests they solely used for tuition, books, and fees (if those items have already been paid) or if the donor(s) specify must be packaged only to max budget.

If you have any questions about your awards, please contact the CSI Scholarship Office at (208) 732-6226 or email us at