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Licensure and Certification

Certified Medical Assistant

See the full CSI licensure disclosure statement

This program's curriculum meets the requirements necessary to obtain professional licensure to work in the State of Idaho. If students intend to seek professional licensure and work in a different state or territory, they should use the list below to determine if CSI's curriculum will meet licensure requirements in the locale of interest. If it is undetermined that CSI's curriculum will meet licensure requirements in another location, CSI recommends contacting the licensing agency listed to determine if CSI's curriculum will meet requirements before beginning a CSI program.

College of Southern Idaho State Licensure and Certification Information for the Medical Assistant Program

US State List for Licensure transfer
State Status Date Last Reviewed State Agency Link
Alabama Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Alabama
      Alabama BON Administrative Code, Chapter 610-x-6: Standards of Nursing Practice
Alaska Undetermined 7/1/2020 Alaska State Medical Board: Standards for Delegation of Routine Duties
Arizona Undetermined 7/1/2020 Arizona Revised Statues 32-1456: Medical assistants; use of title; violation; classification
      Notice of Final Rulemaking: Title 4. Professions and occupations, Chapter 16
      Content Requirements for CAAHEP Accredited Medical Assisting Programs
Arkansas Undetermined 7/1/2020 Act 472: An Act to Authorize Physicians and Podiatrists to Delegate the Performance of Some Simple Procedures to Employees; and for Other Purposes
      Regulation 31: Physician Delegation Regulation
California Undetermined 7/1/2020 Medical Board of California: Frequently Asked Questions—Medical Assistants
Colorado Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Colorado
      Rules Regarding the Delegation and Supervision of Medical Services to Unlicensed health Care Providers
Connecticut Undetermined 7/1/2020 Connecticut Department of Public Health: Medical Assistant Information
Delaware Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Delaware
District of Columbia Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in the District of Columbia
Florida Undetermined 7/1/2020 2019 Florida Statutes: 458.3485 Medical Assistant
      Florida Board of Medicine: Ruling on Delegation of IV Infusion Therapy
      Florida Administrative Code, 64B8-2.001
Georgia Undetermined 7/1/2020 Medical Assistant Law and Rules
Hawaii Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Hawaii
Idaho meets 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Idaho
Illinois Undetermined 7/1/2020 Administrative Code, Section 1285.335 Physician Delegation of Authority
      Illinois Medical Practice Act
      Illinois Nurse Practice Act
Indiana Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Indiana
Iowa Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Iowa
Kansas Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Kansas
Kentucky Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Kentucky
Louisiana Undetermined 7/1/2020 Louisiana Administrative Code Professional and Occupational Standards: Delegation of Medication Administration to Unlicensed Assistive Personnel in Outpatient Clinic Settings
Maine Undetermined 7/1/2020 Maine Revised Statutes: 3270-A. Assistants
Maryland Undetermined 7/1/2020 Code of Maryland Regulations: 10.32.12
Massachusetts Undetermined 7/1/2020 Board of Registration in Medicine 243 CMR 2.00: Licensing and the Practice of Medicine; FAQs on BORIM Regulation Chapter 2.00 "Licensing & The Practice of Medicine"
      Acts (2016) Chapter 234: An Act Increasing Access to Immunization
      Circular Letter DCP 16-12-664: Immunization Administration by Medical Assistants
Michigan Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Michigan
      Public Health Code of Michigan: Act 368 of 1978, Section 333.16215
Minnesota Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Minnesota
Mississippi Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Mississippi
Missouri Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Missouri
Montana Undetermined 7/1/2020 Montana Code Annotated, 37-3-104: Medical Assistants—Guidelines
      Administrative Rules of Montana: 24.156.401 Medical Assistant—Delegation and Supervision
Nebraska Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Nebraska
      Nebraska Medication Aide Overview
Nevada Undetermined 7/1/2020 Nevada Statutory Language; Nevada Regulation Language of the Board of Medical Examiners
      Nevada Nurse Practice Act: Chapter 632
New Hampshire Undetermined 7/1/2020 New Hampshire Board of Medicine: Board’s Position on Supervision of Medical Assistants
      This is no longer policy of the New Hampshire Board of Medicine. However, because no other position statement of the NH Board of Medicine has been issued, this document provides some guidance on what physicians are permitted to delegate to unlicensed professionals such as medical assistants
New Jersey Undetermined 7/1/2020 New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners: 13:35-6.4
      Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in New Jersey
New Mexico Undetermined 7/1/2020 61-6-17. Exceptions to act
New York Undetermined 7/1/2020 Practice Information: Utilization of Medical Assistants
North Carolina Undetermined 7/1/2020 Delegable Duties: Letter Regarding Section 90-18(c)(13) of the North Carolina Statutes
      Office Practice Setting: UAP Delegation
      North Carolina Medical Board: Delegating Medical Tasks to Unlicensed Personnel
      North Carolina Medical Board: Delegation Appropriateness Table
North Dakota Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in North Dakota
      Initial Medication Assistant III Application
      North Dakota Administrative Code 54-07-15: Medication Administration by a Medical Assistant III
Ohio Undetermined 7/1/2020 Ohio Administrative Code: 4731.053 Administrative Rules for Physician's Delegation of Medical Task
      Ohio Administrative Code: 4731-23: Delegation of Medical Tasks
      Ohio Administrative Code 4723-13-05: Criteria and standards for a licensed nurse delegating to an unlicensed person
      Ohio Administrative Code 4723.48 Delegation of authority to administer certain drugs
      Ohio Administrative Code 4723.489 Delegated authority to administer drugs
      State Medical Board of Ohio: Letter Regarding Physician Delegation of IV Catheter
      Ohio Administrative Code 4730.203 Delegation of administration of drug
      Ohio Administrative Code 4730-1-08 Physician assistant delegation of medical tasks and administration of drugs
Oklahoma Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Oklahoma
Oregon Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Oregon
      Oregon Medical Board Statements of Philosophy: Use of Unlicensed Healthcare Personnel
Pennsylvania Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Pennsylvania
      Subchapter G. Medical Doctor Delegation of Medical Services
Puerto Rico Undetermined 7/1/2020  
Rhode Island Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Rhode Island
      Guidelines Regarding Scope of Practice, Supervision, and Minimum Expectations of Conduct of Medical Assistants
South Carolina Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in South Carolina
      South Carolina Medical Practice Act: Delegation to Unlicensed Professionals
      The Supervision of Unlicensed Personnel and the Corporate Practice of Medicine
South Dakota Undetermined 7/1/2020 South Dakota Board of Nursing: Chapter 36-9B: Medical Assistants
      Administrative Rules of South Dakota: 20:84 Medical Assistants
Tennessee Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Tennessee
      Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners Policy Statement: Delegation of Medical Services
Texas Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Texas
      169.3. Administration of Drugs
      Texas Occupations Code, Title 3, Chapter 157: Authority of Physician to Delegate Certain Medical Acts
Utah Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Utah
      Utah Medical Practice Act, Part 1: General Provisions
      General Rule of the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
Vermont Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Vermont
Virgin Islands Undetermined 7/1/2020  
Virginia Undetermined 7/1/2020 Virginia Board of Medicine: Injections by Trained Individuals Now Allowed
      Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Virginia
      Code of Virginia § 54.1-3408. Professional Use by Practitioners
Washington Undetermined 7/1/2020 Washington State Department of Health: Medical Assistant—Frequently Asked Questions
West Virginia Undetermined 7/1/2020 Delegation of Medication Administration by an Advance Practice Registered Nurse
      Criteria for Determining Scope of Practice for Licensed Nurses and Guidelines for Determining Acts that May Be Delegated or Assigned by Licensed Nurses
      Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in West Virginia
Wisconsin Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Wisconsin
Wyoming Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Wyoming

See the full CSI licensure disclosure statement

Alabama Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Alabama
  Alabama BON Administrative Code, Chapter 610-x-6: Standards of Nursing Practice
Alaska Undetermined 7/1/2020 Alaska State Medical Board: Standards for Delegation of Routine Duties
Arizona Undetermined 7/1/2020 Arizona Revised Statues 32-1456: Medical assistants; use of title; violation; classification
      Notice of Final Rulemaking: Title 4. Professions and occupations, Chapter 16
      Content Requirements for CAAHEP Accredited Medical Assisting Programs
Arkansas Undetermined 7/1/2020 Act 472: An Act to Authorize Physicians and Podiatrists to Delegate the Performance of Some Simple Procedures to Employees; and for Other Purposes
      Regulation 31: Physician Delegation Regulation
California Undetermined 7/1/2020 Medical Board of California: Frequently Asked Questions—Medical Assistants
Colorado Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Colorado
      Rules Regarding the Delegation and Supervision of Medical Services to Unlicensed health Care Providers
Connecticut Undetermined 7/1/2020 Connecticut Department of Public Health: Medical Assistant Information
Delaware Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Delaware
District of Columbia Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in the District of Columbia
Florida Undetermined 7/1/2020 2019 Florida Statutes: 458.3485 Medical Assistant
      Florida Board of Medicine: Ruling on Delegation of IV Infusion Therapy
      Florida Administrative Code, 64B8-2.001
Georgia Undetermined 7/1/2020 Medical Assistant Law and Rules
Hawaii Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Hawaii
Idaho meets 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Idaho
Illinois Undetermined 7/1/2020 Administrative Code, Section 1285.335 Physician Delegation of Authority
      Illinois Medical Practice Act
      Illinois Nurse Practice Act
Indiana Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Indiana
Iowa Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Iowa
Kansas Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Kansas
Kentucky Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Kentucky
Louisiana Undetermined 7/1/2020 Louisiana Administrative Code Professional and Occupational Standards: Delegation of Medication Administration to Unlicensed Assistive Personnel in Outpatient Clinic Settings
Maine Undetermined 7/1/2020 Maine Revised Statutes: 3270-A. Assistants
Maryland Undetermined 7/1/2020 Code of Maryland Regulations: 10.32.12
Massachusetts Undetermined 7/1/2020 Board of Registration in Medicine 243 CMR 2.00: Licensing and the Practice of Medicine; FAQs on BORIM Regulation Chapter 2.00 "Licensing & The Practice of Medicine"
      Acts (2016) Chapter 234: An Act Increasing Access to Immunization
      Circular Letter DCP 16-12-664: Immunization Administration by Medical Assistants
Michigan Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Michigan
      Public Health Code of Michigan: Act 368 of 1978, Section 333.16215
Minnesota Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Minnesota
Mississippi Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Mississippi
Missouri Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Missouri
Montana Undetermined 7/1/2020 Montana Code Annotated, 37-3-104: Medical Assistants—Guidelines
      Administrative Rules of Montana: 24.156.401 Medical Assistant—Delegation and Supervision
Nebraska Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Nebraska
      Nebraska Medication Aide Overview
Nevada Undetermined 7/1/2020 Nevada Statutory Language; Nevada Regulation Language of the Board of Medical Examiners
      Nevada Nurse Practice Act: Chapter 632
New Hampshire Undetermined 7/1/2020 New Hampshire Board of Medicine: Board’s Position on Supervision of Medical Assistants
      This is no longer policy of the New Hampshire Board of Medicine. However, because no other position statement of the NH Board of Medicine has been issued, this document provides some guidance on what physicians are permitted to delegate to unlicensed professionals such as medical assistants
New Jersey Undetermined 7/1/2020 New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners: 13:35-6.4
      Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in New Jersey
New Mexico Undetermined 7/1/2020 61-6-17. Exceptions to act
New York Undetermined 7/1/2020 Practice Information: Utilization of Medical Assistants
North Carolina Undetermined 7/1/2020 Delegable Duties: Letter Regarding Section 90-18(c)(13) of the North Carolina Statutes
      Office Practice Setting: UAP Delegation
      North Carolina Medical Board: Delegating Medical Tasks to Unlicensed Personnel
      North Carolina Medical Board: Delegation Appropriateness Table
North Dakota Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in North Dakota
      Initial Medication Assistant III Application
      North Dakota Administrative Code 54-07-15: Medication Administration by a Medical Assistant III
Ohio Undetermined 7/1/2020 Ohio Administrative Code: 4731.053 Administrative Rules for Physician's Delegation of Medical Task
      Ohio Administrative Code: 4731-23: Delegation of Medical Tasks
      Ohio Administrative Code 4723-13-05: Criteria and standards for a licensed nurse delegating to an unlicensed person
      Ohio Administrative Code 4723.48 Delegation of authority to administer certain drugs
      Ohio Administrative Code 4723.489 Delegated authority to administer drugs
      State Medical Board of Ohio: Letter Regarding Physician Delegation of IV Catheter
      Ohio Administrative Code 4730.203 Delegation of administration of drug
      Ohio Administrative Code 4730-1-08 Physician assistant delegation of medical tasks and administration of drugs
Oklahoma Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Oklahoma
Oregon Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Oregon
      Oregon Medical Board Statements of Philosophy: Use of Unlicensed Healthcare Personnel
Pennsylvania Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Pennsylvania
      Subchapter G. Medical Doctor Delegation of Medical Services
Puerto Rico Undetermined 7/1/2020  
Rhode Island Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Rhode Island
      Guidelines Regarding Scope of Practice, Supervision, and Minimum Expectations of Conduct of Medical Assistants
South Carolina Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in South Carolina
      South Carolina Medical Practice Act: Delegation to Unlicensed Professionals
      The Supervision of Unlicensed Personnel and the Corporate Practice of Medicine
South Dakota Undetermined 7/1/2020 South Dakota Board of Nursing: Chapter 36-9B: Medical Assistants
      Administrative Rules of South Dakota: 20:84 Medical Assistants
Tennessee Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Tennessee
      Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners Policy Statement: Delegation of Medical Services
Texas Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Texas
      169.3. Administration of Drugs
      Texas Occupations Code, Title 3, Chapter 157: Authority of Physician to Delegate Certain Medical Acts
Utah Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Utah
      Utah Medical Practice Act, Part 1: General Provisions
      General Rule of the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
Vermont Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Vermont
Virgin Islands Undetermined 7/1/2020  
Virginia Undetermined 7/1/2020 Virginia Board of Medicine: Injections by Trained Individuals Now Allowed
      Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Virginia
      Code of Virginia § 54.1-3408. Professional Use by Practitioners
Washington Undetermined 7/1/2020 Washington State Department of Health: Medical Assistant—Frequently Asked Questions
West Virginia Undetermined 7/1/2020 Delegation of Medication Administration by an Advance Practice Registered Nurse
      Criteria for Determining Scope of Practice for Licensed Nurses and Guidelines for Determining Acts that May Be Delegated or Assigned by Licensed Nurses
      Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in West Virginia
Wisconsin Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Wisconsin
Wyoming Undetermined 7/1/2020 Letter Regarding Delegable Duties in Wyoming