The Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Heating Program is designed to provide students with skills needed to work on air conditioning, refrigeration, and heating systems. This is a limited enrollment program.
Apply to CSI and become a Golden Eagle: Fill out the free online form to Apply to CSI, then watch your email for your acceptance letter and instructions to get set up as a new student.
Prepare to apply to the Air Conditioning Refrigeration and Heat program: Watch the linked video for an overview of the application process.
Obtain a State of Idaho Apprenticeship HVAC license: If you do not already have a State of Idaho HVAC Apprenticeship license, please complete the registration form. Contact Mike LaPray for more information.
***Don't forget to send in the fee with the application***
Fill out your application: Complete the online form to apply to the Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Heat program at CSI. Admission is on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications will be accepted until the program is full.
Schedule an appointment with Mike LaPray:
Once you have completed everything on this list, please reach out to Mike LaPray to schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience. or 208-732-6393