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Skills and Development

Five Star Competitive Edge
Self-paced, professional development plan to build essential leadership skills
Leadership positions within CSI Omicron Xi Chapter locally, Rocky Mountain Cascade Regionally, and Internationally.
Leadership Opportunities include free access to our custom, nationally recognized Leadership Development Studies curriculum. You will develop your own leadership philosophy inspired by classic leaders from the Lesson in Leadership Honors course provided at CSI and inspired by today’s well-known leaders.
No textbook required- we have open -source materials, so our curriculum is accessible to all. You will practice your skills though leadership roles within your chapter, through service projects and within campus meetings. Sign up for the CSI Honors course: Lessons in Leadership.

CSI-Omicron Xi Leadership Levels

The President
  • Preside over all meetings.
  • Appoint and establish any necessary committees.
  • Vote only in case of a tie.
  • Serve as an ex-officio member on all committees.
  • Present business to the organization.
  • Represent the organization at all times.
  • Appoint a committee to review and/or revise the chapter bylaws annually.
  • Appoint a committee to prepare the Annual Report to be sent to Headquarters each spring.
The Vice President of Leadership
  • Direct the chapter to use Parliamentary Procedure.
  • Oversee HIA Project and HIA Awards
  • Coordinate all committees: College leadership Project
  • Head the committee reviewing the chapter bylaws and the annual report.
  • Act as program chairman: Orientation, Induction, Scholarship, and College Project Promote
  • participation in Five Star Chapter Plan and submit Five Star Progress Report online.
The Treasurer
  • Open and/or maintain a bank account for the Society. (College Advisor & College Dean)
  • Receive all money and write all checks.
  • Keep records to be audited and notarized before the office is relinquished.
  • Make a report of finances at each business meeting.
The V.P Recording Officer
  • Take and read the minutes of meetings.
  • Maintain records of the meetings.
  • Maintain a file of chapter correspondence.
  • Serve on the committee to prepare the Headquarters’ Annual Report each spring.
  • Keep project journal for HIA ProjectRecord member levels; Bronze, Silver, and Gold Participation.
  • Take roll at meetings
The V.P. of Service
  • Oversee the service components of the chapter’s Honors in Action
  • Oversee the service components of the chapter’s College project. 
  • Coordinate and report the chapter’s participation in service meetings. 
The V.P. of Social-Media
  • Keep a full record of chapter functions by maintaining Facebook, Instagram. Etc.
  • Draft and submit press releases whenever possible to all area newspapers.
  • Prepare and maintain media profiles (pictures & yearbook), for regional, state and international meetings and conventions. 
The Vice President of Fellowship
  • Encourage and organize scholarly fellowship at all levels of society
  • Implement strategies to increase membership
  • Coordinate the chapter’s C4 (community college Competition Corps)  
The Vice President of Scholarship
  • Encourage academic excellence.
  • Oversee all HIA.
  • Coordinate the chapter’s participation in Honors case study challenge.
  • Coordinate the preparation of the HIA Award entries.   
  • Educate chapter members about scholarship process: workshop