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Marketing and Communication

The CSI Office of Marketing and Communication (MARCOM) acts as a media liaison for CSI programs, events, achievements, and other newsworthy items. Using traditional and social media as well as strategically placed marketing, we publicize and enhance the image of the college by informing the public of our events and our value to students of all ages and objectives. We maintain contact with reporters and editors in order to be responsive to their needs as well as with other public relations specialists to stay current with best practices on sharing information.

CSI MARCOM photographs or arranges for photographs to be taken of campus organizations, construction, events, celebrations, campus scenery, program activities, and individuals who win awards, excel in their endeavors, or who are chosen for various honors. As needed, we act as spokespersons for the college. In situations that need specialized information, we arrange for the appropriate person or persons. We arrange and facilitate campus events that require coordination with media, ensuring that their needs and ours are met.

Matt Hartgrave
Matt Hartgrave
Director of Marketing and Communication
Office: Canyon 115
Alex Daw
Alex Daw
Multimedia Production Specialist
Office: Canyon 115
April Dunn
April Dunn
Mail and Copy Specialist
Office: Canyon 115
America Avila
America Avila
Graphic Design Specialist
Office: Canyon 115
Riley Hawley
Riley Hawley
Marketing Specialist
Office: Canyon 115D